Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy (Character of Donald Farfrae)

Mayor of Casterbridge

by Thomas Hardy

(Character of Donald Farfrae)


Characterof Henchard


Donald Farfrae is a Scottish young man with a pleasing personality. He has a fair countenance. Elizabeth Jane finds him respectable and Lucetta finds him an interesting man. He is both a commercial and a romantic person. He is a good singer. Elizabeth Jane and others are fascinated by his voice. 

Henchard is attracted to him at first sight and persuaded him to be his manager but he is just the opposite of Henchard. Farfrae is surely a superior man and he proves it in a competition with Henchard. 

Farfrae starts his own business, gradually becomes a prosperous merchant, and ultimately becomes the Mayor of Casterbridge. He achieves all this by his honesty. Even after Henchard’s downfall he treats him well. 

Farfrae is a popular man and is particularly loved by females. Elizabeth Jane is fascinated by his first appearance and Lucetta falls in love with him almost at first sight. When Farfrae comes to know that Elizabeth Jane is an illegitimate daughter of Newson he makes her his wife.

Farfrae is a genius and his genius enables him to get footing anywhere without any bodies help. It is Farfrae who helps Henchard at every step. In spite of Henchard’s attack on him, he does not wreck vengeance on him. This shows his nobility. 

Farfrae is a charming and passionate man but he is practical. He is a lover and a successful man. He is frank, free, kind and sensible. 


Characterof Henchard


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