If thou speakest not I will fill my heart with thy silence by Rabindranath Tagore (Summary)


If thou speakest not I will fill my heart with thy silence

by Rabindranath Tagore



In this poem, Tagore says, that he shall keep on loving God, even if God doesn't respond. He says that even if God doesn't speak to him, he shall fill his heart, if not with his love, then 

with his silence and calmly take the pain not being loved. He shall patiently and humbly wait for dawn to come. He says, that as dawn will surely come and with its light disperse the darkness and then God's voice shall stream down into the 

earth like golden rays breaking through the sky. Then God's word shall burst forth as song from all the elements of Nature of mother earth, from every birth and God's songs and music shall be in all the flowers in the forest.

The poet is determined to persist and even if God doesn't speak to him, he shall take God's silence as a sign of His love, and endure the pain of not being united with Him for the moment. He shall not be restless but be still and wait with patience as the starry sky does.

Tagore expresses his hope and what will happen when God blesses him by talking to him. He is confident that as morning surely comes, so shall God appear and bless the poet with his sight and then as with dawn, the darkness of the night shall vanish and God's voice shall flood into the world like the sun's golden light streaming down and lightning up the whole 

world. And then every natural object shall burst forth into song with God's world. Every bird, every colour in every flower shall sing with God's love and talk to the poet, thus, Nature itself shall express God's glory when the right moment comes. 

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