My song has put off her adornments by Rabindranath Tagore (Summary)


My song has put off her adornments

by Rabindranath Tagore



This is the 7th song of Tagore’s poetry-collection, Gitanjali.

My song has put off her adornments

My song has put off her adornments.

She has no pride of dress and decoration.

Ornaments would mar our union;

they would come between thee and me;

their jingling would drown thy whispers.


My poet’s vanity dies in shame before thy sight.

O master poet, I have sat down at thy feet.

Only let me make my life simple and straight,

like a flute of reed for thee to fill with music.



This song shows characteristics of Tagore's poems. He says, that his poems and his poetic art is devoid of all types of ornamental elements. The poet says, that this song is like a woman, who feels no pride in dressing herself up or using any ornaments. Tagore says that ornaments and decorations would spoil the union between the song and singer or the woman and the lover. The jingling and tinkling sounds of the ornaments would disturb the soft whispers of the lovers.

Tagore says, that he has a pride of his own but his pride vanishes, when he comes in the presence of God. He says, that he sits down at the feet of God, the master of all poets, to learn. He has given himself to the lord. He prays God to make his life simple, like a reed, which is straight and simple and from which a flute is designed for God to play and make music.

Tagore says, that earlier his style was ornate, but now it has become simple and more austere as a woman who sheds her ornaments and decorations, leaving aside all her pride and vanity in her decorations because she knows that her dresses and ornaments would spoil her union with her lover. Tagore's poetry is like a woman, and his songs have discarded its ornate elements in order to come in the presence of God. It means, that one has to give up all worldly attachments in order to surrender oneself to God. The poet lays himself at God's feet, giving up all vanity and pride. Flute is the symbol of Tagore’s life, which needs to be straight in order to make a flute out of it. He prays God for divine inspiration to fill the flute with music.

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