The Alchemist by Ben Jonson (Summary)

The Alchemist

by Ben Jonson



The Alchemist is a five-act play by an Elizabethan playwright, Ben Jonson. It was set in Blackfriars, London, in 1610. The whole drama is set to take place in the house of Lovewit, who leaves his house to the care of his butler, Jeremy, and goes to the country to escape the plague. Jeremy with his friends, Subtle, taken from a tavern named “Pie Corner,” and Doll Common (a prostitute), decides to use the house to earn money. Jeremy is disguised as Captain Face and Subtle as Dr Subtle the Alchemist, who claims to have the philosopher’s stone and change metal into gold and foretell like a seasoned astrologer.

Dapper, who is a lawyer’s clerk, becomes their first victim. He comes to Dr Subtle who can help him win at cards. Dr Subtle convinces Dapper that the Queen of Fairy will be with him to see that he wins all games. Dapper gives Dr Subtle all his money and leaves to come back to get the blessings of the Queen of Fairy. Abel Drugger, a tobacconist, is their second victim. He wants to be successful in his business. He expects Dr Subtle to read his horoscope, and suggest changes in the shape of his shop and dates to run his business. Dr Subtle asks him to change the door and the shelves of his shop. Drugger gives Dr Subtle a gold coin and leaves to come back to know the exact dates when he can be successful in his business.

Sir Epicure Mammon and Surly come to meet Dr Subtle next. Epicure requests Dr Subtle to change the metal goods, he has brought, into gold. He also wants to possess the philosopher’s stone. Surly keeps doubting the practice of Dr Subtle and ridicules Dr Subtle. Face sends Surly a note, that Captain Face is waiting at the tavern for him and makes him leave the house. Epicure happens to see Doll Common, who pretends to be a Lord’s sister who has been cured of her madness by Dr Subtle, and he feels attracted by her. Epicure leaves the house to bring more metal goods from his house.

Ananais, a young puritan from the Anabaptist group of Amsterdam, is the next victim to come to the house. He wants to raise money for his group of puritans. He leaves the house to bring senior puritans from his sect.

Drugger comes back with Kestrel, a young man, and Dame Pliant, a rich widow and the sister of Kestrel, who are from the country. Kestrel wants to become an angry man, being good at quarrelling and Dame Pliant needs a suitor. Dr Subtle and Face scheme to marry Dame Pliant. Ananais comes back to the house with his senior puritan, Tribulation Wholesome. Dr Subtle convinces Ananais and Tribulation that his philosopher’s stone can help them become rich and that it can cure all people of their diseases. Dr Subtle sells all Mammon’s goods to them saying that they are from orphans, and that he can make money to buy enough alchemical substances to change metal into gold. Dr Subtle promises them that he will help them have counterfeit coins. They are looking at the goods in another room.

Face returns from the tavern with a Spanish nobleman who wants a woman like Doll Commons as he cannot meet Surly. Dapper comes back to get the blessing of the Queen of Fairy. Doll is getting ready as the Queen of Fairy. At this time enter Drugger and Kestrel. Face tells Kestrel that Dr Subtle changed him from a pimp to a captain. Kestrel is impressed. He goes to bring his sister. Face promises Drugger that he can get Dame Pliant if he brings “damask silk.” Drugger leaves the house. Dapper is asked to perform all rituals, and prepared to be touched by the Queen of Fairy. He is blindfolded and all his money is taken from him as he has to be pure without any such coins. When Epicure arrives, Doll entertains him. Dr Subtle and Face place gingerbread in his mouth and asks him to wait at the toilet for the touch of the Queen of Fairy.

Mammon enters to know that everything is ready for projection (conversion of metal goods into gold). At the time Doll Common is introduced to him as a Lord’s sister and warned that he should not talk anything about theology or divinity. Doll Common acts like a Lady. Mammon falls in love with her and they start their conversation. Face asks them to move to a different room as Dr Subtle is not able to concentrate on projection. Face and Dr Subtle see Kestrel and Dame Pliant entering the room. Face and Dr Subtle draw lots to decide who should take Dame Pliant. Dr Subtle teaches Kestrel on how to quarrel and foretells that Dame Pliant will marry a man of art. Face and Dr Subtle quarrel over winning Dame Pliant. The Spaniard enters there and speaks in Spanish. Face and Subtle speak in English and ridicule him without knowing that the Spaniard is none other than Surly in disguise, who has come to marry a woman like Doll Common, who is now with Mammon. Face and Subtle plans to arrange the widow for the Spaniard for the time being. Dr Subtle foretells that only a Spaniard is suitable for Dame Pliant. But she refuses to take a Spaniard as the Spanish are the enemies of the English. Kestrel forces her to take the Spaniard and they both are sent to the garden.

Doll Common now with Mammon is needed to act as the Queen of Fairy. Face and Subtle decide to get rid of Mammon. There is an explosion in the projection room. Face tells Mammon that Mammon spoils the purity of the philosopher’s stone as he flirts with Doll Common and that the brother of Doll Common (Lord’s Sister) is coming to take her. He also threatens that he will kill Mammon if he knows that he has talked to his sister. He even asks Mammon to a donation to Bedlam, where Face will send someone to collect it. Face and Dr Subtle decide to deal with the Spaniard and Dame Pliant. Surly (in the guise of a Spaniard) tells that he is not a Spaniard but Surly and tries to win her hand. Subtle enters to take money from Surly’s pocket. Surly speaks in English and catches hold of Subtle. Seeing it, Face runs away from the place and brings Kestrel to quarrel with Surly, telling him that he acted as a Spaniard and cheated his sister while an original Spaniard was on his way. Surly calls Dame Pliant to explain all but Kestrel is not ready to listen to him and shouts at Dame for defending Surly. Dame leaves the place.

Drugger enters the house hoping to get Dame Pliant. Face tells him that Surly tries to get Dame Pliant. Drugger and Kestrel manhandle Surly. Ananais too joins them in cursing Surly seeing him in the dress of a Spaniard. Surly leaves the house. Face asks Kestrel to follow and thrash him, and instructs Drugger to leave and come in a Spanish suit to get Dame Pliant. He tells Ananais that the casting of coins cannot be done as it is being watched, and asks him to leave and inform his sect. Face accuses Dr Subtle for spoiling all. Dr Subtle still wants to get Dame Pliant. At the time, Doll Common enters to say that Lovewit is returning.

Lovewit comes back after six weeks. He learns from his neighbours that many are visiting his house. He employs a locksmith and attempts to break open the doors. Face appears there to tell that he has to keep the doors closed to avoid the plague entering the house. Surly and Mammon turn up. In another room Dapper gets the blessings of Doll Common. Drugger comes with a Spanish suit. Face collects it and asks him to bring a parson to arrange for the marriage. Subtle and Doll think that Face is going to use the suit and marry Dame Pliant, and decide to part with all goods and money without sharing anything with Face. At the time Face tells them to go out of the back door as Lovewit knows all the scam. Subtle and Doll Common just leave the house without any share. Lovewit enters in a Spanish dress with the parson and with Dame Pliant as his newly married wife. Mammon, Surly, Kestrel, Ananais and Tribulation all enter the house with the officers. Lovewit tells them that his butler rented the house to a doctor and a captain who are all gone but the widow, whom he has married.

Mammon claims his goods but Lovewit threatens to submit them to the court, and Mammon leaves. Surly vows revenge upon Captain Face, and leaves the house. Lovewit chases Ananais and Tribulation out without any goods they claim that they purchased. Kestrel comes to take his sister. Lovewit quarrels with Kestrel and at last draws his sword to fight with Kestrel. Kestrel feels happy that he has become an angry man, and gives his sister 500 pounds and leaves the house. Lovewit praises Jeremy for all he has now.


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