The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare (Questions & Answers)


The Merchant of Venice

by William Shakespeare

(Questions & Answers)


1.       Why did Bassanio go to Belmont? Who went with Bassanio to Belmont?

-    Bassanio went to Belmont in order to present himself as a suitor before Portia, the lady he loved. Gratiano went with Bassanio to Belmont.


2.       What were the terms and conditions of the bond?

-    Shylock made Antonio sign a bond before lending him three thousand ducats. In the bond it was stated that if Antonio failed to return the amount within a certain period, then Shylock was entitled to cut off a pound of flesh from any part of Antonio’s body.


3.       What were the rules laid down by Portia’s father for Portia’s marriage?

-    Portia’s father was a wise and rich man and Portia was his only child. Before dying he had made a will in which he had laid down some rules for Portia’s marriage. In his house there were three caskets – one of gold, one of silver and one of lead. In one of these caskets Portia’s portrait was kept. The person who chose the correct casket could marry Portia.


4.       Why did Shylock hate Antonio?

-    Shylock hated Antonio because Antonio used to lend money without charging any interest. Moreover, Antonio was a Christian and he was very popular in Venice. In the age of Shakespeare there was much hatred between Jews and Christians. Antonio had often insulted and abused Shylock, called him a ‘dog’ and cursed his tribe’ and nation. These were the reason for Shylock’s anger and hate.


5.       What good news did Antonio get when he came to Portia’s house?

-    When Antonio went to Portia’s house. Portia welcomed him warmly. She gave him letters which stated that his ships were safe and they had arrived in the harbour. On hearing this good news, everyone, present in Portia’s house felt happy for Antonio.


6.       Who was Shylock and What did Shylock do?

-    Shylock was a Jew. He lived in Venice. He lent money to needy people at high rates of interest.


7.       Why did Antonio and Bassanio go to Shylock?

-    Antonio and Bassanio went to Shylock to borrow money from him. Actually, Bassanio needed some money. He went to Antonio and asked him to lend him some money. Antonio had no money with him when Bassanio came to ask him for money. So, they went to Shylock, the money lender, to borrow money.


8.       What did Shylock ask Antonio to do?

-    Shylocks asked Antonio to sign a bond. It was stated in the bond that if Antonio could not return the money within a certain period, then Shylock would have the right to cut off a pound of flesh from any part of Antonio’s body.


9.       Who was Portia?

-    Portia was a wise and rich lady who lived in Belmont. Bassanio was in love with her.


10.Who was Nerissa?

-    Nerissa was Portia’s maid and Portia trusted her a lot.


11.How did Portia save Antonio?

-    Portia went to Venice dressed as a lawyer. Nerissa went as her clerk. Portia was granted permission by the duke to present Antonio’s case. After having looked at the bond very carefully Portia told the Jew that he could only cut a pound of flesh, but he could not spill even a drop of blood. Now it was impossible for the Jew to cut a pound of flesh without spilling a drop of blood. In this way Portia managed to save Antonio’s life.


12.Who is Nestor?

-    Nestor was an old and solemn Greek general who fought in the Trojan war. He rarely laughed. A joke must have been very funny if Nestor laughed at it.


13.Why could Portia not marry on her own?

-    Portia could not marry on her own because she was bound by the will of her dead father. She could neither choose on her own nor could she refuse a suitor if the latter full filled the clauses of the will.


14.When the Prince of Morocco opened the casket, whose picture was in it?

-    When the Prince of Morocco opened the casket, he found the portrait of a skull.


15.What did Antonio tell Bassanio when Bassanio was going to Belmont?

-    When Bassanio was going to Belmont, Antonio told Bassanio to return at leisure and to enjoy himself. Antonio also told him not to worry about the bond. Bassanio’s mind should be occupied with thoughts of love, rather than with business.


16.What has Antonio done to Shylock to make Shylock angry?

-    Shylock was angry with Antonio for a number of reasons. Antonio had scorned and mocked him and had often disgraced him. Shylock felt that even though he was a Jew, he too had feelings like a Christian. Hence, he felt wronged at the insults heaped on him by Antonio. That’s why he was angry with Antonio, and desired to take revenge on Antonio.


17.What advise does Portia give to Shylock the Jew?

-    Portia asked Shylock to be merciful. Mercy was a quality which could not be forced on anyone. Even though Shylock’s demands for justice according to the terms of the bond were correct, Portia advised Shylock to take the money (offered by Bassanio) and to tear up the bond. Portia told Shylock that if God were to strictly follow the laws of justice, none of them would be saved. Therefore, she advised him to be merciful.


18.What good news does Portia give Antonio?

-    Portia gave Antonio a letter wherein it was stated that three ships full of cargo had landed at the harbour. These ships belonged to Antonio and these were thought to have been destroyed. This was indeed a piece of good news for Antonio and everyone present there in Belmont rejoiced at this news.


19.Who was Jessica?

-    Jessica was Shylock’s daughter


20.How and with whom does Jessica elope?

-    Jessica eloped with Lorenzo, a friend of Antonio. Lorenzo was a Christian. Jessica dressed herself as a boy and left Shylock’s house when Shylock had gone to give Antonio the money.


21.How could Portia get married?

-    The suitor who chooses the correct casket could marry Portia.


22.The suitors had to choose from how many caskets?

-    The suitors had to choose from three caskets.


23.Apart from Bassanio, name the two other suitors for Portia’s hand.

-    Apart from Bassanio, two other suitors were: Prince of Morocco and Prince of Aragon.


24.Who chooses the correct casket?

-    Bassanio chooses the correct casket.


25.How are Portia and Nerissa disguised?

-    Portia was disguised as a lawyer and Nerissa was disguised as the lawyer’s clerk.


26.What did Portia ask from Bassanio?

-    Portia asked Bassanio for the ring that was on his finger. Actually, Bassanio was so grateful to Portia for saving Antonio’s life, that he wanted to reward her. Portia would not take any money. She agreed to take Bassanio’s gloves and when Bassanio opened his gloves, she saw the ring and asked for it.

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